
Online verze katalogů Ceny Jindřicha Chalupeckého, výroční publikace Mezera a další publikační projekty Společnosti Jindřicha Chalupeckého.

Tai Shani: Tragodía

Multidisciplinary project Tragodía by the British artist Tai Shani, a foreign guest artist of 2019 exhibition of the finalists of the Jindřich Chalupecký Award, combines spatial installation, sound and virtual reality, develops a story about family ties, traumas and (im)possibilities of coping with them against the background of the autobiographical elements.

Open publication

Catalog of the exhibition Interconnection

The Interconnection exhibition (2019) held at the Swimming Pool focuses on aspects of coexistence and collectivity that go beyond the human level. The exhibition thus employs a planetary, interspecies perspective which interweave the entire Islands project, addressing themes such as sustainability, ecology, utopia vs dystopia, ethics, communication and symbiosis. The catalog presents artwork by Catherine Biocca, Valko Chobanov, Nona Inescu, Maria Nalbantova, Jakub Nepraš, Petr Nikl, Tabita Rezaire, Karolína Rossí, Pavel Sterec, Johana Střížková, and texts by curators Tereza Jindrová and Veronika Čechová.

Open publication

Catalog for the exhibition (Dis)connection

Catalog for the exhibition (Dis)connection

Jindřich Chalupecký Society and Kunstvereniging Diepenheim (The Netherlands) proudly present the group exhibition (Dis)connection, with installations, sculptures and video works by eleven international artists. The exhibition brings together various artistic positions that are connected by a shared concern: how can we live together in today’s uncertain times?

Kateřina Vincourová: Arteria

The publication for the exhibition of Kateřina Vincourová, who was the first woman to receive the Jindřich Chalupecký Award in 1996, presents a cross-section of the artist’s recent works. The commodified body and consumer goods play an important role in Vincourová’s practice, besides the poetics of domesticity and passing materials traditionally linked to a “woman’s” world. The artist creates monumental compositions as well as minute realizations which strongly communicate both with the architecture of the exhibition space and with the physical closeness of the viewers. The exhibition focuses on the fragile nuances of interpersonal relations while abstracting itself from these terms towards the exploration of space and time. Curator of exhibition was Karina Kottová.

Open publication

Jindřich Chalupecký Award 2019

The catalog of the finalists of the 30th Jindřich Chalupecký Award contains texts commenting on the installations of the participating artists: Comunite Fresco, Andreas Gajdošík, Marie Lukáčová, Baptiste Charneux and Pavla Malinová. The exhibition took place in the Moravian Galleries in Brno and its curators are Barbora Ciprová and Karina Kottová.

Open publication

Jindřich Chalupecký Award 2018

The catalog of Jindřich Chalupecký Award 2018 includes an interview with the finalists, a text linking the exhibition of the finalists and the performative action Delicate Instruments of Engagement of Alexandra Pirici, traditional texts about the exhibited works of the individual finalists by curator Tereza Jindrová and an opening text by Jindřich Chalupecký Society director Karina Kottová which follows up on the reflections on the very nature of the art award and the current possibilities of its further evolution.

Open publication

Jindřich Chalupecký Award 2017

The catalog for the exhibition of the finalists of the 28th Jindřich Chalupecký Award contains texts commenting on the projects of the participating artists - Viktoria Valocká, Richard Loskot, Martin Kohout, Romana Drdová and Dominika Gajarský. The exhibition also included an installation by a foreign guest, the German artist Clemens von Wedemayer. The exhibition took place in Pražák's Palace in the Moravian Gallery in Brno and was curated by Karina Kottová.

Open publication

Pablo Helguera: The Mayfly Conference

This publication follows up the public event by Pablo Helguera titled The Mayfly Conference, which was a part of the Café Chalupecký program series and took place at the Trade Fair Palace – National Gallery in Prague on 9th December 2016. The performance of Pablo Helguera held in collaboration with Czech artists and curators, as well as the general public, had a form of a 60-minute conference dealing with socially engaged art. The title of the event (referring to The Mayfly Manifesto from 2013) alludes to the exceptionally short life of a mayfly as a metaphor of the ephemeral experience of a particular art event; which, however, can have a long-lasting effect. In this way, Helguera expressed the tension between time and experience, which is peculiar to socially engaged art whose qualities significantly depend on the amount of time invested in a particular project.

Open publication