Café Chalupecký

Seen from a broader perspective, we perceive Jindřich Chalupecký Society as a platform for research, enabling to develop critical reflection, broaden horizons, disturb rooted stereotypes and historical frameworks, and initiate mutual learning. We aim to accomplish this mission through a wide range of smaller- and larger-scale events within the program series Café Chalupecký.

We primarily invite international curators, theorists and artists to research the Czech art scene and create their own interpretations and narratives in relation to artistic practices of the present and the recent past. These individual research activities can result in a lecture, reading, pop-up exhibition, film screening or another one-time presentation format for the public. For the Café Chalupecký guests, we also prepare a tailor-made program of studio and exhibition visits, meetings with local artists, curators, institution representatives and other personalities.

Café Chalupecký further includes debates with personalities from the Czech art scene and events related to Jindřich Chalupecký.

The Café Chalupecký program series is kindly supported by Institut umění – Divadelní ústav  and Czech Centres.