Jindřich Chalupecký Award

Jindřich Chalupecký Award

Jindřich Chalupecký Award, named in honor of the leading Czech theorist and critic of visual arts and literature, essayist and philosopher, was founded in 1990 by Václav Havel, Jiří Kolář and Theodor Pištěk. It is awarded to emerging visual artists who live or work in the Czech Republic. It also recognizes the life-long work of Jindřich Chalupecký (1910–1990) and his activities by which he initiated unofficial, avant-garde life after 1969, promoting Czech non-conformist visual arts and helping them maintain their independence and continuity within the tradition of modern art and European art culture.

Award Conditions

The Jindřich Chalupecký Award is open to visual artists living or working in the Czech Republic. Czech citizenship is not a requirement. 

The Jindřich Chalupecký Award is awarded for outstanding artistic creation in the field of visual arts. It is intended for the emerging generation of artists whose work has the potential to stand out over the long term in both the Czech and international art scenes, and whose work embodies a unique position in terms of content and form. The award is open to artists and artist groups working in any media, while also recognizing cross-disciplinary intersections and other current trends in contemporary art.

Artist duos and groups may apply together (by creating one joint portfolio for the application process). In such cases, the Jindřich Chalupecký Society cannot guarantee different financial conditions for participation than those stipulated for individuals. As regards residencies, SJCh can only guarantee a stay for one person.  SJCh will seek additional financial funds in these situations; however, the artists may not claim any right to further support.

From 2024 onward, an international jury will select three artists as laureates of the award.

Beginning in 2024, the age limit of 35 has been abolished. The award is still intended for up-and-coming artists and provides them with professional support in terms of curation, production, and funding for the further development and exposure of their work; however, the rules will no longer regard age as a limitation to this phase of an artist’s career. The award is now open for applications from, for example, collectives of artists of varying ages, artists who have interrupted their professional careers, artists who began their careers later in life, and so forth.

The terms and conditions of the Jindřich Chalupecký Award are continually evolving in line with the most current needs of the art world and in response to the prevailing social climate.

The application process is conducted online via the award.sjch platform. In case of any technical difficulties during the application process, the Jindřich Chalupecký Society offers assistance (see contacts).

Selection of Finalists and Award Holders

The Jindřich Chalupecký Award is decided upon by an independent jury of experts in the visual arts, appointed by the Board of Directors of the Jindřich Chalupecký Society. The jury is composed of six members, including citizens of the Czech Republic as well as foreign experts. Jurors are limited to a three-year term. The Jindřich Chalupecký Society has no right to influence the jury's decision. The selection of the Jindřich Chalupecký Award laureates is decided by the jury members by consensus, based on intensive group discussions and a thorough selection process.

Each year, the jury selects three artists, whom the Jindřich Chalupecký Society actively supports throughout the year, notably in the artists' development of new works for the joint autumn exhibition.

Awards for the laureates

A 60 000 CZK budget toward the creation of a new work or project, guaranteed architectural and technical support for the project exhibition

Artist's fee  and year-round scholarship support

Professional cooperation on the installation and exhibition of the work in one of our partner institutions (Moravian Gallery in Brno, National Gallery Prague, PLATO Ostrava) 

Curatorial and production cooperation on the creation of the work for a period of one year

Professional photo and video documentation of the work 

The opportunity to engage in workshops and consultations with experts of various artistic processes and techniques 

A possibility of studio space

Promotion of the artist's work in both specialized and general media

Professional consultations with the CJCH international jury

International networking among the Jindřich Chalupecký Society's network of foreign partner institutions and contacts

“Studio visits” with foreign curators as part of the Café Chalupecký program

Connection with foreign professionals through the network of Czech Centers

Support for the artist's ensuing projects and works in subsequent years

Securing of residencies after the end of the current CJCH cycle