Judita Levitnerová

Judita Levitnerová

Judita Levitnerová (1994) graduated from the University of Ostrava and then continued her studies in the Intermedia Studio at the Brno University of Technology’s Faculty of Fine Arts, where she is also currently working on her dissertation on the subject of contemporary informel as well as researching feminist issues. Her artistic practice is based primarily on the medium of painting, but she also transfers her painting practice to other art forms, be it objects, applied fashion, or live visual accompaniments to musical performances. She has repeatedly worked with the method of imitation, which she views primarily as another form of approaching the subject she is exploring and as a way of caring for forgotten artistic techniques.

She collaborated with Brno’s HaDivadlo and the Intermedia Studio on the theatre play Sedimenty, diagnózy, wellness (Sediments, diagnoses, wellness), for which a book of the same name was published. Since 2019 she has participated in the program of Gallery 209, and she subsequently exhibited at the FFA Gallery and the Blansko City Gallery. Her work has been presented in group exhibitions at the House of the Lords of Kunštát in Brno and the Prague galleries Pragovka and Holešovická šachta.